Cholera Outbreak Report 20 September 2011 - 29 February 2012, Dagahaley Kenya, UNHCR(twine)
2019-01-25 4:11 PM
2024-02-09 5:39 AM
Dates based strictly on epidemic weeks with ISO standard, used histogram to decide correct week for first few weeks.Case definition comments:"anyone aged 2 years or above presenting with acute watery diarrhoea with or without dehydration was to be line listed as a suspected cholera case.number of reported cases in the months of September and October. Between August, 2011 and March, 2012 a total of 263 suspected cholera cases were line listed from Hagadera camp. All 1265 cholera cases from all five camps were tested in the Hagadera laboratory. Of these, 126 (9.9%) stool samples. were collected and tested at Hagadera laboratory. 51 (40.5%) samples tested positive for Vibrio cholerae Inaba." listed cases as suspected. we know some of these are confirmed, but not which ones
A patient aged 2 years or more develops acute watery diarrhoea, with or without dehydration.
Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139 is isolated from any patient with diarrhoea.