
A brief description of some terms that you may find throughout this website:

Observation A single report of cholera cases, deaths, or both in a place and time period.
Observation collection (OC) A group of observations that typically represent data from a single source document. OCs also include associated metadata on the source, source document, and case definitions.
Source Name of data source (include title and reporting organization)
Primary Time Criteria What event is associated with the times reported in the observation collection (e.g., symptom onset date, date of clinic visit)
Observation Count The number of time and location specific data points included in this observation collection.
Location Location name formatted with WHO region code (e.g., AFR is WHO AFRO), ISO 3-letter country code, and names of subnational administrative units.
TL "Time Left" is a lower bound in time.
TR "Time Right" is an upper bound in time.
sCh Number of suspected cholera cases
cCh Number of confirmed cholera cases
Deaths Number of cholera-associated deaths
UID Unique identifier for the observation collection (also known as OC ID)
Source Collection OC that serves as the source of a clean Generated Collection. All Source Collections should have the Unified Source tag.
Generated Collection OC generated from a Source Collection. All Generated Collections should have non-overlapping observations in space and time and the Unified tag.